Chapter 4. Obtaining CXFS and XVM FLEXlm Licenses

The software licensing used by CXFS is based on the FLEXlm product from Macrovision Corporation. For all nodes in the cluster, a FLEXlm license is required to use CXFS. Perform the procedures in this chapter to satisfy this requirement.

XVM provides a mirroring feature. If you want to access a mirrored volume from a given node in the cluster, you must install a FLEXlm mirroring license on that node. Only those nodes that will access the mirrored volume must be licensed. For information about purchasing this license, see your SGI sales representative.

This section discusses the following:

Obtaining the Host Information Required for the License

When you order CXFS, you will receive an entitlement ID. You must submit the system host ID, host name, and entitlement ID when requesting your permanent CXFS license. The method used to obtain this information is platform-specific.

IRIX Host Information

To obtain the host identifier and hostname of the system on which you will run CXFS, see the information in the CXFS release notes.

Linux 64-bit Host Information

For SGI Altix systems, you must obtain the host identifier, hostname, serial number, and CPU count of the system on which you will run CXFS. Execute the following commands:

cat /proc/sgi_sn/system_serial_number
/sbin/ifconfig eth0
hinv -c processor

The system serial number allows SGI to generate multiple host ID keys for Altix partitioning.

The host identifier is the value for the HWaddr field, minus the colons.

For example:

[root@linux64 root]# cat /proc/sgi_sn/system_serial_number

[root@linux64 root]# /bin/hostname

[root@linux64 root]# /sbin/ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:81:24:77:D1
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:17941247 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2
          TX packets:16373834 errors:10 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:10
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:1539518033 (1468.1 Mb)  TX bytes:1573522873 (1500.6 Mb)
          Interrupt:19 Base address:0xb880 Memory:fe3fe000-fe3fe038[
root@linux64 root]# hinv -c processor
1 Ix-Brick
1 C-Brick
4   1300 MHz Itanium 2 Rev. 5 Processor

In this case, the host identifier is 00E0812477D1 and there are 4 processors.

When you are asked for the license manager host identifier, provide this information. You must have a separate license for each host on which CXFS is installed.

Obtaining and Installing the Licenses

Along with your entitlement number, you will receive a URL to a key generation page. To obtain your permanent CXFS and XVM licenses, follow the instructions on the key generation page. After the required information is provided, a key will be generated and displayed on the webpage along with installation instructions.

License Verification

Use the cxfslicense command with the -d option to verify that the FLEXlm licenses have been installed properly.

For example, if the CXFS license is properly installed on an SGI Altix 3000 system, you will see the following:

[root@linux64 root]# /usr/cluster/bin/cxfslicense -d
XVM_STD_IPF license granted.
XVM_PLEX_IPF license granted.
CXFS_IPF license

If you do not have the CXFS license properly installed, you will see an error message. For example, if the license is not installed on a client-only node, you will see the following on the console and in the cxfs client logs when trying to run CXFS:

May 12 14:40:17 cxfs_client: cis_main FATAL: cxfs_client failed the CXFS
license check. Use the cxfslicense command to diagnose the license
May 12 14:40:17 cxfs_client: FATAL: aborting on fatal error

On an administration node, the error will appear in the clconfd log.

For More Information

For more information about licensing, see the following webpage:

If you cannot use the web key generation page, you can contact your local SGI Customer Support Center.

For more information on FLEXlm, you may order the Flexible License Manager End User Manual from Macrovision Corporation.