Cannot Open /dev/imon

A problem has occurred trying to open the /dev/imon device. This device allows a user program to monitor filesystem activity. The File Alteration Monitor (FAM) cannot run and typical problems that occur include MediaMail (zmail) cannot automatically detect new mail and the desktop may not update itself automatically when files change.

This problem may be caused if more than one fam daemon is running at once, or it may indicate a problem with the Irix kernel.

This problem may be transitive. You should try rebooting your workstation if possible and see if the problem continues.

To resolve this situation:

Additional information about fam is available from man fam and the book Irix Admin: System Configuration and Operation, chapter 9.

If the problem persists, contact your System Administrator or your service provider.

For information on how to configure or disable System Alerts, click here.