Presenter Confidence Test

The Presenter Confidence test requires user interaction. You must press one of three keys to continue or abort each test: p for test passed, f for test failed, or Esc to abort the Confidence tests. Some tests prompt you to press t to toggle the display. There are a total of 17 tests, all of which display text output on the lower half of the screen. This text provides information on what you should expect to see, and what options are available to select when the tests are complete.

Once the test is passed, press p, (pass); if failed, press f (fail) or Esc (abort). If you press p or f, the Presenter Confidence test continues. At the end of the test, a notifier displays the number of failures and indicates which tests were failed. If you press Esc to abort the tests, a notifier informs you that the tests were aborted and also reports any failures that were encountered during the current test session. The following tests appear in succession:

At the end of the Presenter Confidence tests, a message lists the tests that have been marked with f for fail. You must click OK to exit the tests and return to the Confidence test panel.

For additional information, see Presenter Owner's Guide. For additional questions or assistance, contact your system administrator or local support provider.