Chapter 13. End-User Installation Instruction Template

To ensure that your customers can use your FLEXlm-managed product easily and successfully, use the following chapter as minimal guidelines about what they need to have and what information they need to know.

Binaries Your Customers Will Require

When your application software is built with the calls to FLEXlm, you will need to ship the following three files in addition to the files that you normally ship in your installation kit.


The license file, customized for your customer.


The License Manager daemon (license daemon).


Your vendor daemon.

Information every Customer Needs to Know

In addition to installing your software your customer will need to:

  1. Install license.dat in /usr/local/flexlm/licenses, (or C:\FLEXLM\LICENSE.DAT for Windows NT systems) on any machine that is to run your application and on any server nodes, with a separate copy on each of the server nodes. The license file should be accessible to any user of your software.

    If you or the end-user decides to put the license file somewhere other than /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat (or C:\FLEXLM\LICENSE.DAT for Windows NT systems), then use one of the following methods for the daemon to locate the license file:

    Method A: Start the license daemon as follows.

    % lmgrd -c license_file_path

    where license_file_path is the full pathname to the license file.

    Globetrotter Software recommends the use of the –c option to locate the license file if the default location cannot be used.

    Method B: Use the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to override the location of the license file. For example:

    % setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE license_file_path


    C:\>set LM_LICENSE_FILE=license_file_path 
    (for Windows NT systems)

    where license_file_path is the full pathname to the license file.

    Note: The –c option overrides the setting of the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.

  2. Install lmgrd and xyzd.

  3. Add the line:

    nohup lmgrd > license.log &


    nohup lmgrd > license.log 2>&1 &

    to either /etc/rc.boot, or /etc/rc.local file. Remember that /etc/rc.local is run as a Bourne shell, so do not use the csh “>&” redirection syntax.

    The nohup command is used to trap the SIGHUP signal, and is required on some systems, and is safe to use on all systems for lmgrd with the BOURNE shell only.

    On RS/6000, lmgrd cannot be started in /etc/rc; this is because on that OS, the TCP/IP networking is started after /etc/rc is run. IBM has recommended that this be performed in the /etc/inittab file. Add a line like this to /etc/inittab after the lines which start networking:

    rclocal:2:wait:/etc/rc.local > /dev/console 2>&1

    In /etc/rc.local add a line to start the daemon:

    nohup /etc/lmgrd -c license_file_path > /etc/license.log 2>&1 &

  4. To the /etc/services file add the line:

    FLEXlm 1200/tcp

    If the TCP/IP port number is included in the license file, this step is not required.

    If the daemons are to be run from a non-root account, the specified port number must be greater than 1024.

    Note: The FLEXlm service has been assigned port number 744 by the Network Information Center (NIC).

    If the network is running NIS, then this line must be added on the NIS master, and the services map must be propagated to the network.

    If modifying the /etc/services file is unacceptable, then add the port number at the end of “SERVER” lines in the license file. If a port number is present in the license file it will be used. The following illustrates a modified server line.

    SERVER mynode 1700ae83 1200

    In this example, TCP/IP port 1200 will be used for the license manager daemons.