Appendix C. The Daemon Log File

The daemons all generate log files in the following format.

mm/dd hh:mm (DAEMON NAME) message


is the:

mm/dd hh:mm 

The time that the message was logged.


Either lmgrd or the string from the DAEMON line that describes your daemon. In the case where a single copy of the daemon cannot handle all of the concurrent clients, an optional “_” followed by a number indicates that this message comes from a forked daemon.


The text of the message.

The log files can be used to:

These messages are described below in terms of their content:

(If you have a source kit, these messages are also found by searching for the “LOG” macros in the .c files in the daemon directories.)

Informational Messages

Connected to node 

This daemon is connected to its peer on node “node”.

CONNECTED, master is name 

The license daemons log this message when a quorum is up and everyone has selected a master.

DEMO mode supports only one SERVER host! 

An attempt was made to configure a demo version of the software for more than one server host.

DENIED: N feature to user (mm/dd/yy hh:mm) 

“user” was denied access to “N” licenses of “feature”. This is the message that will help you sell more licenses.


EXITING with code nnn 

All daemons list the reason that the daemon has exited.

EXPIRED: feature 

“feature” has passed its expiration date.

IN: feature by user 

(N licenses) (used: d:hh:mm:ss)

(mm/dd/yy hh:mm) 

“user” has checked back in “N” licenses of “feature” at mm/dd/yy hh:mm.

IN server died:  

feature by user (number licenses) (used: d:hh:mm:ss)

(mm/dd/yy hh:mm) 

“user” has checked in “N” licenses by virtue of the fact that his server died.

License Manager server started 

The license daemon was started.

Lost connection to host 

A daemon can no longer communicate with its peer on node “host”, which can cause the clients to have to reconnect, or cause the number of daemons to go below the minimum number, in which case clients may start exiting. If the license daemons lose the connection to the master, they will kill all the vendor daemons; vendor daemons will shut themselves down.

Lost quorum 

The daemon lost quorum, so will process only connection requests from other deamons.

MASTER SERVER died due to signal nnn 

The license daemon received fatal signal nnn.

MULTIPLE xxx servers running.

Please kill, and restart license daemon 

The license daemon has detected that multiple copies of vendor daemon “xxx” are running. The user should kill all “xxx” daemon processes and re-start the license daemon.

OUT: feature by user (N licenses) (mm/dd/yy hh:mm) 

“user” has checked out “N” licenses of “feature” at mm/dd/yy hh:mm

Removing clients of children 

The top-level daemon logs this message when one of the child daemons dies.

RESERVE feature for HOST name

RESERVE feature for USER name 

A license of “feature” is reserved for either user “name” or host “name”.

REStarted xxx (internet port nnn) 

Vendor daemon “xxx” was restarted at internet port “nnn”.

Retrying socket bind (address in use) 

The license servers try to bind their sockets for approximately 6 minutes if they detect “address in use” errors.

Selected (EXISTING) master node. 

This license daemon has selected an existing master (node) as the master.

SERVER shutdown requested. 

A daemon was requested to shut down via a user-generated kill command.

[NEW] Server started for: feature-list 

A (possibly new) server was started for the features listed.

Shutting down xxx 

The license daemon is shutting down the vendor daemon xxx.

SIGCHLD received. Killing child servers 

A vendor daemon logs this message when a shutdown was requested by the license daemon.

Started name 

The license daemon logs this message whenever it starts a new vendor daemon.

Trying connection to node 

The daemon is attempting a connection to “node”.

Configuration Problems

hostname: Not a valid server host, exiting 

This daemon was run on an invalid hostname.

hostname: Wrong hostid, exiting 

The hostid is wrong for “hostname”.

BAD CODE for feature-name 

The specified feature name has a bad license key.

CANNOT OPEN options file “file” 

The options file specified in the license file could not be opened.

Couldn't find a master 

The daemons could not agree on a master.

license daemon: lost all connections 

This message is logged when all the connections to a server are lost, which often indicates a network problem.

lost lock, exiting

Error closing lock file

Unable to re-open lock file 

The vendor daemon has a problem with its lock file, usually because of an attempt to run more than one copy of the daemon on a single node. Locate the other daemon that is running via a “ps” command, and kill it with “kill -9”.

NO DAEMON line for daemon 

The license file does not contain a “DAEMON” line for “daemon”

No “FLEXlm” service found 

The TCP “FLEXlm” service did not exist in /etc/services.

No license data for “feat”, feature unsupported 

There is no feature line for “feat” in the license file.

No features to serve! 

A vendor daemon found no features to serve. This could be caused by bad data in the license file.

UNSUPPORTED FEATURE request: feature by user 

The “user” has requested a feature that this vendor daemon does not support. This can happen for a number of reasons: the license file is bad, the feature has expired, or the daemon is accessing the wrong license file.

Unknown host: hostname 

The hostname specified on a “SERVER” line in the license file does not exist in the network database (probably /etc/hosts).

lm_server: lost all connections 

This message is logged when all the connections to a server are lost. This probably indicates a network problem.

NO DAEMON lines, exiting 

The license daemon logs this message if there are no DAEMON lines in the license file. Since there are no vendor daemons to start, there is nothing to do.

NO DAEMON line for name 

A vendor daemon logs this error if it cannot find its own DAEMON name in the license file.

Daemon Software Errors

accept: message 

An error was detected in the “accept” system call.


A vendor daemon was started with no master selected. This is an internal consistency error in the daemons.

BAD PID message from nnn: pid: xxx (msg) 

A top-level vendor daemon received an invalid PID message from one of its children (daemon number xxx).

BAD SCONNECT message: (message) 

An invalid “server connect” message was received.

Cannot create pipes for server communication 

The “pipe” call failed.

Can't allocate server table space 

A malloc error. Check swap space.

Connection to node TIMED OUT 

The daemon could not connect to “node”

Error sending PID to master server 

The vendor server could not send its PID to the top-level server in the hierarchy.

f-do-notify called with no valid feature 

This is an internal consistency error.

Illegal connection request to DAEMON 

A connection request was made to “DAEMON”, but this vendor daemon is not “DAEMON”

Illegal server connection request 

A connection request came in from another server without a DAEMON name.

KILL of child failed, errno = nnn 

A daemon could not kill its child.

No internet port number specified 

A vendor daemon was started without an internet port.

Not enough descriptors to re-create pipes 

The “top-level” daemon detected that one of its sub-daemons exited. In trying to restart the chain of sub-daemons, it was unable to get the file descriptors to set up the pipes to communicate. This is a fatal error, and the daemons must be re-started.

read: error message 

An error in a “read” system call was detected.

recycle_control BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE CONTROL 

The hierarchy of vendor daemons has become confused over who holds the control token. This is an internal error.

return_reserved: can't find feature listhead 

When a daemon is returning a reservation to the “free reservation” list, it could not find the listhead of features.

select: message 

An error in a select system call was detected.

Server exiting 

The server is exiting. This is normally due to an error.

SHELLO for wrong DAEMON 

This vendor daemon was sent a “server hello” message that was destined for a different “DAEMON”.

Unsolicited msg from parent! 

Normally, the top-level vendor daemon sends no unsolicited messages. If one arrives, this message is logged. This is a bug.

WARNING: CORRUPTED options list (o->next == 0) 

Options list TERMINATED at bad entry 

An internal inconsistency was detected in the daemon's option list.